
GApps 各版本差异 / GApps Version


与 super 版所包含的 GApps 相同,但是在 Recovery 中引入了图形化界面,可以自行选择安装哪些 GApps。 The same as super version, but has GUI in recovery,you can choose what you want.


包含了所有 GApps ,像韩语日语中文拼音中文注音输入法等。(请注意:如果你是用的是基于原生的 ROM ,本版本会替换相机,通讯录等等所有有关应用) Include all of GApps, just like Google Korean(Japanese/Chinese/Zhuyin) Input. (NOTICE: If you use the ROM based on AOSP, this one will replace CAMERA, CONTACT app and so on.)


类似于 Google Pixel 出厂内置的 GApps ,相比 super 版少了其他语种的输入法以及 Google 地球等。(请注意:如果你是用的是基于原生的 ROM ,本版本会替换相机,通讯录等等所有有关应用) This one has the GApps that Google Pixel includes. Compared super version, this one does not have other languages` input software and Google Earth and so on.(NOTICE: If you use the ROM based on AOSP, this one will replace CAMERA, CONTACT app and so on.)


与 stock 版所包含的内容相同,但此版本不会替换手机原本的应用。 The same as stock version, but it will not replace the apps of your phone.


包含基础的 Google 服务框架,以及一些影响力较大的 GApps ,相比 full 版去掉了 Docs 等应用。 Include the basic Google Service Framework and other GApps which are famous. Compared full version, it does not have Docs and so on.


包含基础的 Google 服务框架和 Gmail 等常见 GApps。 Include the basic Google Service Framework and some common GApps like Gmail.


包含基础的 Google 服务框架,但不会有其他 不必要的 GApps。 Include the basic Google Service Framework, but does not have other GApps.


包含最迷你的 Google 服务框架,但由于框架并非完整,部分 GApps 可能无法运行。 Include the MINI Google Service Framework. Because the framework is not complete, maybe some GApps will not work.

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